Meet Jason

Jason Stonehouse is the founder of Life In Process, LLC & The Calm & Confident Leader. He’s an authentic action-oriented coach/consultant who combines his therapeutic training with 27 years in strategic point leadership in multimillion dollar organizations. 
Known as a team builder & people developer, Jason has a knack for discovering and maximizing unrealized potential in individuals and organizations. 
He’s certified in StratOp (Paterson Center) & has a Master’s degree in counseling along with authoring a number of ebooks, tools and paperbacks. 
Jason grew up outside of NY City and lived in the Twin Cities, MN for over 15 years and currently resides in Tuscaloosa, AL.

What We Do

Stress & Anxiety are not actually your problem. 
However, they point to what is! 

How nice it would be if we could just blame our issues on our circumstances or other people, but we all know we can't change those things. So we get stuck in a loop of not being able to change where we think our issues lie: OUTSIDE OF US!

The best leaders know a secret: you can only change you. 
But how does real, lasting, sustainable change happen?
It happens from the inside out!

That's why we developed "The Inside Out Strategy" 
-- a revolutionary, throughly researched technique that incorporates several of the top forms of therapeutic change alongside of strategic life planning. Our strategy is baked into everything we do from our online workshops, ebooks and courses to our premier personal, customized coaching relationships. We are seeing record breaking change from the inside out!

Most leaders are only scratching the surface of their potential. 
That's because we are hindered by stress, anxiety, overwhelm, 
never-ending to-do lists, non-restorative sleep, fears, people pleasing and the list goes on. 

We will work with you to identify your unique prison, show you how to pinpoint your biggest hindrances and then rewire your core beliefs building self awareness, resilience, emotional health and maximum calm and confidence!
!NEW! After having presented to thousands of people for more than three decades, we are taking our revolutionary strategy and applying it to the speaking process.
You'll discover how to build your platform, design a captivating & engaging experience and deliver creative & compelling talks, videos & webinars.

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